2 min readOct 17, 2020

COVID came across as an eye opener to each person on the planet as we got out of our comfort and safety zone where the pandemic began leading to lockdown across the globe. The economic growth coming at pause landing us on the question of fulfilling our basic primitive needs of food and seeking ways to be inspired at the time of the drastic change.

This unexpected time indeed made all of us think of our basic existence in the material world where we strived for wealth and prosperity ignoring our health. It provokes us to think and look for inspiration as we are under the blanket of pandemic where the vaccines are under trial and the news signifying the spike in number of cases worldwide hit us widely. I realized in my journey of pandemic where everyone seeks for daily inspiration we ourselves are indeed a source of inspiration for ourselves as if we become our own saviour in any problem we get power to deal with it also others will be inspired by us eventually; as everyone is blessed with this gift of life which we all have right to live and explore at our own terms.

The idea of being self-inspired motivates us from within and makes all of us self-dependent where we don’t look or expect to seek help from others but try to resolve our own issues as no one in the world can understand and truly know us other than our own selves and we are our own true companion at any point of life. We all came alone on this planet and will leave the world empty handed as the rule of life so let’s create memories to cherish for life time and face the pandemic with courage and being fearless in true sense.

P.S : Thanks for reading until end! I wish all of you seek inspiration from within and cherish being self-dependent fighting the pandemic along with your loved ones until then stay safe, stay home, stay inspired and keep inspiring!

