Nov 14, 2020

It’s the strongest emotion which is illusion of mind in first place making us do evil things unknowingly. It’s so difficult to identify it as we feel comfortable and secure when we possess things but anything in excess leads to attachment and eventually becomes the root cause of pain and suffering.

Attachment in simple terms can be attraction which is negative as it blocks our mind and we get lost in its thoughts; that it becomes a part of our behaviour and we do the unthinkable. Whenever we are entangled by shackles of attachment, we think whatever we are doing is right and don’t realise that we can’t take anything along with us so its of utmost importance to keep a check on our behaviour and thoughts.

The ways to overcome attachment is being aware and identifying the attachment which can be for things, place, people or position. One should ensure that we are not addicted and getting used to it or crave for it as it leads to expectations and unknowingly we cling onto others ;eventually people start to maintain distance when they realize that later has hopes and pervading their private space making them feel uncomfortable. For instance; excessive care and love will ruin the relation as every person loves their own freedom and space.

P.S: I wish you all think over it and note down your attachments, so that you can realize them and work positively on yourself. Thanks for reading until end!

